On Demand

on demand classes

Tantra Immersion

The Tantra Immersion is an illuminative and structured introduction into the essence of the Tantra Yoga spiritual system. In this intensive course we’ll undertake a deep and systematic study and practice of Tantra Yoga. Through inspiring lectures, deep Hatha Yoga sessions, guided meditations, and tantric exercises, we’ll focus on elevating our consciousness and experiencing life from a fresh, profound perspective. We’ll learn how to walk the path of Tantra and Yoga from the depth and richness of the heart to the heights of spiritual development.


Tantra is a spiritual path based on the direct mystical experience of life in its entirety, using the senses, mind and spirit to discover the divine spark within. It offers us extraordinary tools to become more aware and to consciously embrace life in all its aspects, unveiling the sacred in the profane, expanding from finite to infinite.

From $99 (remove?)

Path to Purpose

In this extraordinary workshop we’ll offer a structured method of getting closer to discovering and understanding our life’s purpose. This is not a trivial pursuit – it requires a profound inner quest and an understanding of our mechanism and structure. It’s a journey worth taking as it makes us noble in spirit and true to ourselves. In the Path to Purpose workshop we combine very practical techniques with profound insights and inspiring examples of humans who lived a life of meaning. All of this will help you gain clarity of heart and confidence to pursue your mission. 


You’ll be guided to go beyond cultural constructs, external impositions and social expectations and unveil your unique, remarkable path. You’ll learn to listen to the voice of your heart and through exercises, meditations and a profound form of yoga you’ll gain the needed qualities and attitudes to bring your deepest aspirations to life.


From $99 ?

Lucid Dreaming

The Lucid Dreaming course is an exploration into the science and practice of remaining consciously aware during the experience of dreams and astral projections. It includes 15 chapters, totalling more than 34 hours of recorded video content.


Every night, we “disappear” into extraordinary realms, experience impossible things, have very profound realisations, all within the seemingly limitless borders of our dreams. Yet every morning we wake up as if nothing happened. We all live countless double lives in our dreams, lives of endless possibilities, but due to the fragmented nature of our consciousness we can neither remember much nor enjoy our dreams in full awareness.


Dreams are not waste-products of our sub-consciousness. They are portals to extraordinary dimensions of ourselves and of Existence which otherwise remain unknown and inaccessible to us, in other states of consciousness. Our dreams contain extraordinary messages and we can achieve great transformations if only we’d know how to lucidly experience them.


Many ancient systems have developed systematic methods that allow us to enter dreams fully consciously, with the purpose of using them as extraordinary spiritual tools. Nowadays, dreams are one of the few meeting points between science and spirituality. Recent research proves that lucid dreaming is a reality that can be accessed at will, given that we train ourselves with perseverance.


In this course we’ll present structured methods that will allow us to start dreaming lucidly and to extend our awareness into our dream experiences. We’ll explore the science of dreams (REM sleep, brain waves, etc), we’ll learn easy mind-tricks that will help us become lucid while dreaming, and methods to extend our dreams without waking up when becoming lucid. Besides lectures and theoretical explanations, each session will also include a practical part, during which we’ll be doing yoga postures that specifically favour such deep experiences, together with meditations that will generate inner attitudes supportive of lucid dreaming.



From $99 ?